Canal 9
Canal 9
Canal 9
Canal 9
Canal 9
Canal 9

My mission
Canal9/Kanal9 is the oldest regional television channel in Switzerland. Its positioning as a channel rooted in tradition while being proactive stands out to its target audiences, especially on television. The redesign of the outdated and non-user-friendly website needed to highlight the channel's dynamism combined with the richness of its content. It was also important to make it more interactive and mobile-friendly.

Personae et user journey
Following a framing phase, the development of personas and a reflection on the user journey allowed us to better understand the target audience and confirm this through co-design workshops with the client.
By revising the paper wireframes, we created more refined wireframes aimed at validating the UX with the client. Emphasis was placed on simplifying the navigation as well as on logical and accessible content categorization.
Alongside the mockups, design guidelines were created to organize elements such as typography, icons, colors, etc., to facilitate the work of developers and the client in maintaining consistency throughout the site.